Saturday, February 1, 2014

Dental Health Freebie

Happy Saturday to you all! :)
I am linking up with Farley over at 
It's her monthly CURRENLTY link up! ;)
Hooray! :)

One of my teammates told me that she and her husband are sleeping better thanks to pink noise.
I'd heard of white noise...
 But apparently that's not what she meant! :)
Plus...that wouldn't help me sleep either! 
So...she went on to explain that it is less harsh than white noise...and will help you reach deep sleep more quickly.  You can check out more details on it from this Dr. Oz post.
We were sold after the first night! :)  We both get up routinely during the night to go to the restroom or get a drink...none of that happened!  We were really great sleepers! :)
So, now, each night...the kindle stays on with pink noise, thanks to a new app I found with a timer! ;)

I'm in the middle of Season 5.
Good show.

Gosh...time has gone by so quickly! :/
Monday is our 100th day! :/
It's been such a great year so far...I'm trying to enjoy every minute!

Well, I finally got up and made myself something to eat!
I had a cream cheese frosted cinnamon bun, some strawberries...and my newest guilty pleasure...
Coffee with whipped cream on top!

I've got several projects to complete, the coffee will help me make it through the day for sure!

TRUE: I really HAVEN'T gotten a new cell phone in three years and it's really ridiculous! :/
FALSE:  I LOVE road tripping with my husband or my friends! :)  Some of my best memories of the last five years have been in a car!! :)
TRUE: We have limited copies in our district.  I get 7,500 copies a year through our copy center, and our copy center's three high powered printers are all down.  They are CHRONICALLY late.  Case in MLK stuff...that I ordered TWO WEEKS before MLK Day, came in last Wednesday. :(
Ugh...printer shopping...not gonna be fun! :(

Last thing...
Got a brand new freebie for you guys! :)
The dentist is coming to visit our grade level next week, so I thought it would be good to have some printables for 'the event'. :)
If you like them, please click on the link below the last picture to have them for your room! :)

Love ya'll! :)

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