Sunday, December 1, 2013

Thanksgiving in Nashville

This year, I went on a quick Thanksgiving road trip to Nashville to visit one of my childhood besties--the lovely Ashley! ;)
The trip was kinda crazy...we took a pebble to our windshield...there was rain almost the whole way up...and traffic was so took us 15 hours to get there...instead of the normal 12.
My husband and I had frayed nerves by the time we arrived...but...after getting a chance to hug everyone and hang out...the rough start was forgotten.

Along the way, I got a chance to have coffee with the lovely Latoya Reed from Flying into First Grade!
I also discovered the joys of Cracker Barrell's Green Tomato & Ham Soup which comes with a grill cheese sandwich on a multi grain bun!

And now to tell you about my awesome 'extended' family...
Ashley & I met when we were 17...but I grew up with her husband. His sister was in my very first class 17 years ago!  Small world, eh?  

I quickly claimed Ashley's 8 year old little brother when they moved to our town!  He was SO cute...and forward almost 20 years...

Andrew is all grown up...and married to his sweet Wendy and a father of two!
Couldn't be prouder of him and am glad that I got to see him before he goes to Afghanistan for the year.

I hope you had a nice holiday with your family! :)

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