Saturday, November 30, 2013

Thanksgiving in Mrs. Russell's Room

Our week before Thanksgiving was full of fun and excitement! 

This year, for the last day before break, we attended the 'Turkey Parade' and then had parent directed centers after that until lunch.  It was a blast! There were quite a few freebies floating around in the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving.  I picked up this Roll & Cover center from Faith over at First Grade Fantabulous.  It was featured as a fan freebie on her Facebook Fan Page! :)

We also tried out the no bake pumpkin pie that Corinna from Surfin' through Second suggested! :)
She posted the recipie on Primary Chalkboard! :)  Just delicious! :)

Parent volunteers are a pretty big deal, and I work REALLY hard to get my parents in! :)  I offer opportunities for parents to come visit our classroom for scheduled events.  I also love to have parent volunteers to work with children in small groups, or do clerical things for me like cut out my centers and organize them for future use. I communicate with them early and often about how they can help their kids in and out of the classroom. Now...full disclosure...we have really amazing parents at our school that WANT to be involved in every aspect of what their children are doing in the classroom.  I know that I am super lucky!    Our grade level also has several family involvement initiatives that we do each year.  A BIG one for us is the Annual Turkey Parade.  Students bring in a turkey that they create at home with their parents.  The only requirement is that the body be made from a large paper shopping bag.  The up to THEM! :)   The students bring in the turkeys and then we have a parade around the entire school.  Other classes come out of their rooms and sit in the hallways and clap for us as we walk through.  It's always fun to hear what the kids think of our turkeys!  They are SO supportive of our little guys! :)  Parents and grandparents sometimes walk the parade route and take pictures of our progress as we go!  Here are a few pictures of my sweet kids turkeys and some of the volunteers that came in to support us! :)

We had a blast doing the parade! :)
I hope you'll consider doing a Turkey Parade with your firsties too! :)

Oops...I almost forgot! :/

I am part of the Summer In December Hop for Primary Chalkboard! :)
If you'd like to pick up some freebies for the holidays and can start at my facebook page and hop on through! :)

My freebie is a 'two-fer'!
You can use it as two different center games! :)
I hope you'll go on over and check it out!! :)
Just click on the F in the sidebar of my blog page to be directed to my Facebook page!
Happy Hoppin'!

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