Sunday, September 13, 2015

Peek At My Week: Week 2 Centers, Grandparents, 9-11, Oh my!

I had a lot of great things planned for my second week of school!  It was a short week, but I am so excited to share a few of the things that I did!
I am linking up with Mrs. Wills' Kindergarten for her Peek at My Week Linky.
It was Labor Day on Monday so we had a
It coincidentally fell on Freddy Mercury's birthday, so, this meme was pretty appropriate to sum up my feelings!

Last week, I worked on starting to lay down a few procedures for my learners with regard to centers.  We practiced reading independently and also with a partner.

This week, I was able to get into our word work centers in a big way! :)  The kids loved the routine of the new activities and they got right to work! :) I love that! :)

I also started my lesson plan series for teaching grammar!
I created some printables to go with my lessons, and even two kinds of assessments.  One that is hands on, and the other is more of a paper/pencil format.
The pages are super easy to work with, and the kids get great review from them! :)

This week was also September 11th.  We read several books about the towers and created the collage that you see below.  The kids had a blast with it, and it was SUPER easy! :)  If you want to know more about this craft, check out the fuller post HERE.

For my weekly phonics test, I use a tool from my Phonics & Phonemic Awareness Test pack.  For me, assessment has to be about giving me information that helps me guide the following week's instruction.  The format of the test helps me to look at both phonics and phonemic awareness.  I use the data I collect to help me know what I am supposed to be doing in my small groups the following week. It's a super handy resource!

I had the Grandparents in this week! :)
We had a blast using activities from Kindergarten Squared! :)
You can read more about the day's events in a fuller blog post HERE.

Thanks so much for checking out what I did this week!
Be sure to look up DeeDee and the other folks linking up as well!

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