Friday, November 27, 2015

How to unwind when you're an overachiever

I love what I do, and I work...a lot.
One of the things I've had to MAKE myself do though, from time to time, is UNWIND.
When you're an overachiever...relaxing, unwinding...STOPPING...these are all concepts that you recognize, but...choose to do anything but! LOL!
During the school day, I used to really run myself ragged each moment until the end of the day.
I find now, that even 15 minutes of down time in the day helps me to recharge and relax a bit.
For me, the best time of the day to do that is at lunch.  You may find that before school, or during your planning time works better.  Try to carve out SOME time in your day to just let your mind relax.
Here are a few things that I do...not all in the same time period...but randomly as I feel that it's necessary.

Read a book.

I love to read for fun.  When I'm on vacation, there's nothing that I enjoy more than just sitting and reading a book.  This particular 'quick fix' for unwinding is one of the first to go when I feel lots of pressure to perform at work.  Finding a good book and treating myself to it at lunch has become a welcome distraction from the day's events.

Play music.

Music helps to improve my mood a lot.  Fifteen minutes of good music at some point in my lunch break can make a world of difference when I'm feeling stressed or down.  I also find that I'm a more productive cleaner and organizer when I am cleaning.  

Eat lunch with your students.

Kids are a GREAT distraction.  They get so excited to hang out and chat...they usually can help me stop worrying and stewing and focus only on them!  I love that about kids! :) The added bonus is that I get to know them much better.  The more I spend time with my kids, the more I enjoy them.  

Enjoy silence.

This one is one that I don't indulge in often.  I tend to recharge best around people.  Sometimes though, just being in my room with the lights low helps me to relax too.  I have windows in my room.  So even when I shut the blinds a bit of light leaks in--so it is never completely dark. I find that muted amount of light very calming. Sometimes, even when the KIDS are in the room I do it!  LOL!  They actually enjoy the darker room too!  I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree!

Pray or read the Bible.

I saved the best relaxation option for last.  Sometimes, the Psalms or even a chapter in Proverbs works for me.  Other times, I walk myself through a study and read a few verses that relate to a specific topic.  Either way, I find that reading some scripture during the day grounds me and helps me have a positive outlook on the remainder of the day.

 I know that God made me a worker for a reason.  The world needs people who are committed and who are passionate, just like it needs people who are more laid back and easy going.  We are all here for a purpose and our strengths and weaknesses compliment each other.  As much as I enjoy working, I am learning that even a short break in the action can help me to come back stronger the second half of my day.  So, let me you guys do things mid-day to help you unwind?  Please share in the comments.

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