Friday, July 3, 2015

Short Term Sacrifice Long Term Gain

We can not have it all.
Let's just start with that.
The idea that we CAN is something that we develop over time.  It's just unsustainable.
In order to have long term gain, we must accept some short term sacrifice.
Some things we are willing to sacrifice in order to be successful, and some things we are not.
These last few weeks, I've read posts from a few bloggers about 'relaxing'.
Interestingly enough...they have been posting all summer long.
Why?  Because they know that the best kinds of teachers spend more time working than 'relaxing'.
In any other industry, the people who are most successful never talk about how often they 'take breaks' or 'relax'.
They talk about drive.
They talk about work ethic.
They talk about sacrifice.
Why then, would we think that within our OWN order to achieve the most success that we sacrifice nothing, yet can have everything?

I believe that becoming the best teacher I can possibly be includes working in the summer.
It includes dialog with other professionals about teaching practice and pedagogy.
It includes going to training or offering them within my field.
It includes sharing blog posts with educational content.
I'll be honest.  Some folks can't handle that kind of intensity.  I used to feel guilty about it.  I used to try to change myself and not talk about work because it made others feel 'some kind of way'.
Then about three years ago, I started to meet the other bloggers that became #mytribe and I realized that there were others out there that were full of the same kind of passion and were completely comfortable with my enthusiasm as well!  And guess what...they work in the summers too!
If there's anyone out there who reads my posts and wants to be like me at're a worker in the summer.  #realtalk #thatisall

Being a successful teacher means that you're willing to take the time to work when others are sitting on the sidelines.  It means you are willing to sacrifice a little bit now, for the long term good of your future students.  For the long term good of your SANITY during the school year! :)

The best time to prepare for your school year is during the summer!
There's all kinds of great professional development that you can get for free online...and ideas abound on Pinterest.
The teachers I love to follow as bloggers work year round.  They share content driven blog posts and ideas that make me excited to start a new day and try something else out.

If you want to get better...if you want to BE a better teacher....
The summer is the time to plan and get things together.
So...get that pencil and clean sheet of paper...let's re-imagine our classrooms together!
I, for one, can't wait!

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