Monday, March 2, 2015

March Currently

This month I thought I'd do a Currently post! :)  My life has been quite full lately and when I'm busy with lots of projects, these types of posts are fun to reflect on and chat about.

Before I get started, I'd like to thank Farley for getting this post started and offering us all the chance to meet new people through this link up! :)  If you are a newer blogger, this is a wonderful link up to meet new people! :)

Tonight I am hanging with the hubs on my birthday eve! :) We went to dinner and are binge watching Netflix!  The other day he went to the grocery store and couldn't resist the girl scout cookies being sold out front! :)  We *had* a box of mint ones...but they were gone in about a day or so.  My husband is a total cookie monster! :/

So, here in #CasaDeRussell we LOVE political dramas. Even though we vote for different parties on election day, the hubs and I love to talk about politics and watch it play out on t.v.  We're the kind of people that watch the State of the Union and have our OWN round table! LOL!  We are unabashedly nerdy in this house! :)  Our current obsession is #houseofcards .  Frank Underwood, played by Kevin Spacey is brilliant!  It's a dark show, so if you're not into politics, and you're not into dark's not for you...but, we LOVE IT!
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Today was our #ReadAcrossAmerica Day Parade!  The kids and I are reading Seuss books all week long.

  For the parade I teamed up with Tami from Rainforest of Firsties to do 'I'm Not Going to Get Up Today'.  It's such a funny book! :)  The kids loved wearing their pajamas!  We wrote about the main idea of the story on the backs of some simple clocks that we made.  

One of the girls on my grade level did 'Oh the Places You'll Go' and made all of her kids look like they were in their own personal hot air balloons!  So creative! :) She's a rockstar! :) I'm totally trying to get her to blog!!


Ahh Florida! :0) I have to tell you, as a Jersey Girl, I can tell you that the only reason I miss snow is because I miss snow days.  That's it.  There. I said it. #realtalk
I just want to be home sometimes...just like teachers up north...but alas...we are still snowless here in Orlando! 

Once I am done with my spring fluency and March Morning next project is to finish up these skills based comprehension tests.  We're so disappointed in the reading assessment that comes with our basal, so, I'm writing new comp tests that are on grade level.  If you're interested in that, you can check out the post I did on it! :)
Last thing...the hubs and I are going to do something super fun over Spring Break.  We don't know what it is yet...but....we're gettin' up outta here and doing something FUN! :)  Stay tuned! :)
Thanks for reading! :)

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