Sunday, March 30, 2014

Spring Break Has Sprung!

Well friends...
It's the last night of spring break...and all through the home, not a creature was stirring while I was writing this poem! poetry is not my strong suit! LOL!
I had a really nice time on the break!
Many of you know I was doing a giveaway with Faith & Daina! :)
Click HERE to go to DAY 1 which closes tonight!
I had a total blast with some of my fellow Florida bloggers over the break! :)  I got a chance to hang with Tammy Wathen of the Resourceful Apple, Kimberly Santana of the Learning Tree, and Leigh Langton of the Applicious Teacher!  We checked out World Market! :)  I've never been, it was really fun to do with 'veterans' of the store! :)  Another fun thing I got to do was that my friend Judy and I went to Gainesville to hang out with my dear friend Linda while she was doing her chemo treatment! We got lost on the way up AND on the way back because we were talking and laughing so much!  It was a really great time! :)  Afterwards we went to a wonderful little Mexican place named Willy's and Trader Joe's!  Those of you who graduated from UF probably know exactly where I was! :)  I had to wear a UofM shirt while I was in that college town though! :)  You'd be surprised at how many 'double take's I got! LOL!
Have you ever been to Trader Joe's?  It was FANTASTIC!

I also had time to update some of my more popular units for the big sale this weekend! :)
I've been looking at redoing this pack for a while, and I finally had the uniterrupted time to do it! :)  You know...on a personal note, I know that there are times as a blogger and seller of curriculum that you might wonder...why am I not selling things?  Why am I not growing like I want to.  When I look back at some of my earlier projects, I think...they had great content, but sometimes...the reality is...the OPTICS just have to be there as well! :)  I make things that are not only rigorous in content, but...also visually very appealing.  I work really hard at that...especially in freebies! :)  Folks want to know that they are getting quality...especially if they are paying for it.  Just random musings.
I added one more day's worth of activities and I just refreshed the fonts and overall feel of the pack.
I also added writing papers for informational and narrative writing prompts.
There's also a brand new writing craft that you could do!

If you haven't already redownloaded it...Click HERE to do that! :)  I hope you'll love the changes as much as I do!  Tomorrow, I go back to work for a work day! :)  Stay tuned for what I'm cookin' up in a future post!

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