Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Read Across America Week: Favorite Author/Illustrator

I am linking up with the girls of Primary Chalkboard to tell you about my favorite illustrator! :)
Last year, I found him, and I am systematically purchasing all of his books! :)
Have you guys heard of Kadir Nelson?
He is not an author...he's an illustrator, and a must have for Black History Month studies! :)
Here are a few of the books that I have that he's illustrated...

Abe's Honest Words

Moses: When Harriet Tubman Led Her People to Freedom

He's Got the Whole World in His Hands

Henry's Freedom Box

I plan on picking up a few more this summer because I'd love to do an 'illustrator study' with his work! ;)
Just such beautiful pictures! :)
I hope you'll check him out at some point and pick up some of these books...or some of the others that he's done! :)  Your kids will love them! :)

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