Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Unwrapping Your Favorites: Old Holiday Photos

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Day Three has arrived!
I love old photos! So much fun!
I can't wait to see what you have cooked up for us today!
I'm hosting this party with Daina from Sticky Notes and you can check out her adorable old photos too!

Today's Topic:

Christmas *circa 1985* That Christmas tree is SCREAMING Christmas!  I probably helped decorate!  Check out my high water pj's and the seventies style bean bag! :)  Ahh...those were the days! :)
The pic of Chris and I was taken last year.  Our anniversary is two days before Christmas! ;)
The last photo is of me with my cousins checking out the tree in Rockefeller Center! :)
It was SO COLD that day!  Oh my goodness! :)

Now...for the purposes of this post...old can be defined as when you were a child...or...last year! :)
It totally depends on YOU! :) what makes you HAPPY! :)

If you'd like to participate, simply use our nifty button at the top and link back to me.
Then add your own holiday faves to the blank template and insert it into your post.
When you're all done...don't forget to link up!

We really are lovin' reading your posts and seeing how you celebrate the season! :)
Thanks so much for posting for us friends! :)

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