Friday, December 13, 2013

Five for Friday {December 14, 2013}

Today I am linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for her weekly linky party Five for Friday.
It's been a little while since I've done this, but I am glad to be back! :)
So, the whole idea is that you list five things that you did this week! :)
Here we go! :)
1. Fondue for Four
Another one of my teaching besties is moving! :(
It's kinda sad, but...her hubs is getting a great new job in VA!
I had her over, along with some other girls this week!  We had Chocolate Fondue and apps!  
Good times!!

2.Turkey Writing
I know it's December, but...I had my kids write about their Thanksgiving right when they got back from the break.
I drummed up this quick writing sheet and craftivity for them.
We had a great time! :)  The writings turned out great! :)

3.) Visit from the Speech Pathologist
Can I just say that I love the support staff at our school! :)
Our brand new speech pathologist visited our classroom to work on tongue placement for tricky sounds.  She came equipped with worksheets, and You Tube Videos!
We learned some special hand signals, and I've even got a few tracking sheets for some of my learners that are not speech delayed, but could use reinforcement! :)

4.  Tamara & Lindsay's Awesome December Giveaway
This week, I had a quick giveaway with one of my teammates.  We made flip book rubrics for one of the objectives of our professional development plan.  They turned out super great! :)
The winners of our giveaway are:
Christina Marie
& Lori Raines!

5. Tamara & Daina's December Linky Party
Next week, Daina Roberts and I are hosting a linky about our holiday favorites! :)
I hope you'll join us and make a new friend or two! :)
Thanks so much for stopping by today! :)

If you missed picking up my freebie in the Firstie Friends Facebook Hop this week,
Click on the link below the picture! :)

Click HERE for a link to the google doc of this freebie! ;)

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