Monday, November 4, 2013

Tamara & Daina's 1K FB Follower Giveaway DAY 2

Welcome back for Day 2!
Let's get right down to it!
Giveaway Prizes for Today:

Alyssha from Teaching and Tapas is donating:

Christy & Tammy from Fluttering Through First Grade are donating:

Leslie from First Grade and Flip Flops is donating:
2 Items of YOUR Choice from her TpT Store!

 Happy Clicking!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

And don't forget to enter to win the giftcards!

a Rafflecopter giveaway  
Don't forget to check out Day 1 and enter if you haven't already!

And who doesn't want a little 'Real Talk' from Tamara Russell on My Truth Monday??  LOL!
I just couldn't resist posting with my peeps for this link up! :)
Thanks for hosting Denise! :)

To check out Denise's blog and the other girls linking HERE! :)

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