Sunday, October 6, 2013

October Currently...but not quite current...*sigh*

Oh' boy fourth grade
This currently post comes to you courtesy of the wonderful Farley of Oh Boy Fourth Grade! :)
Thanks for hosting the best monthly linky EVER, chica! :) XOXO

Happy Fall to Everyone! :)
I hope your school year is off to the best start ever! :)
Here's what I'm up to CURRENTLY....

I love me some Sara Bareilles! :)  
I love her song 'King of Anything' which is all about a person in her life that tells her what to do, but really needs to mind their own business! Whenever I feel 'put upon' by situations...I start singing it and it makes me laugh!
My new phrase is 'I'm not the boss of applesauce!'  I learned it from Katie Knight who says it often! LOL! :)  Although...I would say...she can be the boss of my professional applesauce ANYTIME! :)
Love that girl AND her amazing blog too! :)

This week was Fire Safety week in my classroom! :)

I used Anna DiGillio's Fire Flip Flap book and my Complex Text Unit on the book Fire! Fire!
Click HERE to see this for yourself! :)
It went really well! :)  My favorite response to the question would you like to be a firefighter was...
"I would like to be a firefighter, but I really want to be a Christian.'.  She would like to be a Christian teacher when she grows up. :)  Hmmm...I think I may know someone who she could talk to about that! :)  Hee hee hee! ;)

Original NESTLÉ® TOLL HOUSE® Chocolate Chip Cookies

My poor husband doesn't ask for much...and when I've been a busy as I have been lately...cookies go a long way to him 'feelin' the love! :)  He went to homegroup without me tonight because I am getting myself together for school and posting. :(  Ugh...poor thing. :( soon as I am done here...I'm makin' my man cookies!

To finish up lesson plans...*sigh*
My visual plans would basically be the same as last week...
We're using the basal text this week and finishing up the writing extensions in my pack.  If you are interested in seeing the plans I had last HERE.

To get some other stuff done...ugh.  Do you guys ever feel like no matter how much you work...there is ALWAYS something else that you have to do?  I'm so tired most days I can't even tell you.  I work late into the night and wake up early in the morning every day.  I'm just wondering when teaching got to be so HARD.  Don't get me wrong...I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my firsties...but...there's so much else involved these days that sometimes I am just OVERWHELMED. :(

So, I modeled how to use 'Question Sticks' with my students this week during my reading and then I left the question sticks with them to use in their read to someone station.
You'll need some popsicle sticks and a sharpie...that's ALL! :)
All I put at the top were question, like...Where, Who, Why...etc.  And then I worked with them one day on it in their stations.  It's so cool to hear them ask each other questions! :0)
I was kind of nervous that developmentally it would be difficult, but...because I have a mix of kids in each center, they are able to help each other and it keeps them ALL on track better! :)


If you didn't know...Primary Chalkboard is hosting a MONSTERous Giveaway! :)
Click on the button above so that you can go check it out! :)  We've also offered a bazillion freebies throughout the week that have to do with fall! :)
Here are the two that I posted this week!
You can snag them here if you'd like! :)

Click HERE to pick up the Sentence Scramble

Click HERE to pick up the Bat Themed Math Activity!

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