Friday, September 27, 2013

Grandparents Day

Just wanted to share with you some fun that I had with my kids not too long ago! :)  Do you guys celebrate Grandparents Day with your learners?  I lost both of my grandparents when I was fairly young, and so this is a classroom celebration that  I really enjoy! :)  I love to see them dote on all the kids even through their them....cuddle with them...and make them feel as though they are the most important little person in the world. :)  I was the first and only grandchild for a while and when I got to be with my grandparents...who lived in a different country...I always knew I was the apple of their 'collective grandparenting eye'! :)

I used a pack by Kindergarten Squared that was full of cute things to do on our special day!

My favorite activity from the pack is something called 'Roll A Grandparent'!
The students got to create a grandparent on paper based on the number they rolled!  It was tons of fun! :)

We read poems and sang songs out of our poetry journal!

We wrapped up the morning's activities with some shared reading with the Grands!
I think they had a lot of fun watching the kids and participating in our classroom for the morning! :)

Who wouldn't love sharing the morning with such sweet folks! :)
I hope you'll try Grandparents Day in your own classroom! :)

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